22 experiments in 2022

I had a good time writing blog posts. This was several years ago. 

Unadulterated expression has a high of its own. Creating, editing and publishing felt like a dance performance, of a team in perfect synchronization. I and the universe. This is the first aspect that I want to share here: I’ll be writing more. Hold me accountable.

The last few years (2020 & 2021) have made me realize in multiple ways that life is, indeed, fragile & finite. No wasting time on stuff that doesn’t mean anything to you. This is the second aspect that I want to be held accountable to: I’ll do things that mean something to me.

I want to put it out there that I’ll experiment more this year and I’ll be writing more. This way when I don’t, you’ll ask me about it. I’ll be embarrassed and hopefully get to it. With this post, I’m kind of using the force of the universe (social accountability force) to try things in public that I’ve been intending to do for sometime but haven’t. If I survive, then the goal, by the end of 2022, is to complete at least 22 experiments.

Why 22?

Initially 50 seemed like a good number for one year. Then it seemed like a big number. Of course, it did not go well with a blog post title. Whereas 22 experiments in 2022 seemed catchy for obvious reasons. 

Why experiments not goals?

Goals create an obligation to succeed. Experiment removes that obligation & keeps success as an open possibility. Also, experiments allow for abandonment. If I don’t like the experiment, I’ll abandon it. 

How does this work?

  • Start: I will kick off the experiment with a post explaining the why, the what and the when of the experiment. 
  • What qualifies as an experiment? Any well defined (who/what/when/why) activity
  • Duration: Can be as short as an hour or can take up the rest of 2022. 
  • Updates: I’ll be updating the Experiment page on a weekly basis. 
  • End: A post that will conclude the experiment & will share the results, the future course of action and takeaway.

This sounds awesome! It seems like I’ve put myself in a good position to hold myself accountable for the year. Hope you get to do something that is closer to your heart. 

I’ve kicked off my first experiment. More details in a post that will follow. If you’d like to get regular updates on my experiments, feel free to follow me on twitter @bobdiya.





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